Friday, September 23, 2011

A day at the beach


That is exactly what we had, a day at the beach.

I even set up a timer so we could prove we swam in the Atlantic. Of course you’ll have to take our word that this is actually the Atlantic.

It rained a lot last night but most of the day was sunny and the big clouds looming off the coast are beautiful. We did get a few showers.


An then there’s always the rainbows that come with showers.

So we sat relaxing and enjoying the beach and taking what ever pictures were available without have to move to much.


And watching the birds and relaxing some more.


This is it we didn’t even unhook the truck while here. And just when we were eating dinner and thinking it had been a near perfect day…


we get we this killer sunset. How does the sun set on the Atlantic? Emerald Isle faces almost due south.

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