Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Man hunt in Myrtle Beach

How did we end up in Myrtle Beach you ask. We were on our way to Fitzgerald, GA to see our dear friends Pete and Ortha. We sort of wanted to surprise them so we only called a couple days ahead, but no one was home.

Yep, that’s Connie standing in the Atlantic ocean. Anyway, we were still headed there way still making a lot of phone calls trying to locate them and getting worried.


Finally we discover they went on a vacation to Myrtle Beach with their daughter and her husband and won’t be home till the following weekend but we don’t know where they’re staying.


We now have a cell phone number also and since Myrtle Beach is the same distance as their home is and we’ve been to their home but not Myrtle Beach, why not.


That’s a really big ferris wheel.  As I was saying, we drive all day towards Myrtle beach all the time making phone calls and leaving messages but not reaching anyone. We finally arrive, drop our trailer in a site at the state park, unhook and drive up and down the beach hoping to maybe spot our friends.


Then we go down to the beach and walk around a bit as it’s getting dark and collect a few shots for the blog. Next we have dinner and head back to the trailer. Just as I’m ready to do this blog the phone rings and one of our previous contacts has the name of the place they’re staying.
Tomorrow morning… breakfast with Pete and Ortha.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the rest of the story ... and hope you post pictures of P & O. Give them big hugs from me!! xoxoxo, a.


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